Исследовательский Центр ИПМ
Kasrtyčnicki Ekanamičny Forum

Analytical business support

The IPM Research Center together with the UNITER Investment Company run analytical business support project (in cooperation with the IPM Business School). The project aims at creating regularly updated information platform providing high-quality macroeconomic and sectoral analysis.

Since May 2013, regular analytical reports of the IPM Research Center (Belarusian Monthly Economic Review, Belarus Macroeconomic Forecast, Belarus Short-Term Economic Trends) are published within this project and can be obtained on commercial basis. Commercial subscription is also available for sectoral reports produced by the UNITER Investment Company.

General Information
Publication Deadlines
UNITER's Sectoral Reports
Terms of Subscription


IPM Research Center’s regular analytical reports: General information


IPM Research Center’s regular analytical reports: Publication deadlines

Belarusian Monthly Economic Review is published in the course of the first consecutive month after the reporting one*, but no later than the 1st day of the second consecutive month.

Belarus Short-Term Economic Trends: Inflation is published in the course of the first consecutive month after the reporting one, but no later than the 1st day of the second consecutive month.

Belarus Short-Term Economic Trends: GDP is published in the course of the first consecutive month after the reporting one, but no later than the 7th day of the second consecutive month.

Belarus Macroeconomic Forecast: dates to be specified (tentatively, May and November).

* Main macroeconomic indicators are available for a month prior to the reporting one. Example: reporting month is April, statistical data is available for March (selected indicators – for February).


UNITER’s sectoral reports

The quarterly updated sectoral reports are available in Russian for the following sectors:

Alcoholic beverages sector
Apparel industry
Banking sector
Brewing industry
Cement industry
Chemistry and petro chemistry
Confectionary industry
Construction materials production
Dairy industry
Energy efficient technologies
Food retail
Footwear industry
Fuel industry
Furniture industry
Hotel real estate
Insurance sector
IT market
Meat industry
Metal-working industry 
Non-food retail
Office real estate
Pharmaceutical market
Pharmaceutical products industry
Residential real estate
Road building
Sugar production
Telecommunications sector
Tourist industry
Transport and logistics
Wholesale trade
Woodworking industry


Terms of subscription

Terms of subscription are available upon request. Contact person: 

Dmitry Kirilenko
Head of Research and Analysis Department
CJSC UNITER Investment Company
Phone: +375 17 385 2463
Fax: +375 17 385 2464
Mobile: +375 29 184 4041
117A Nezavisimosti Avenue,
Alexandrov Passage Business Center, 12th floor
Minsk, Belarus