Исследовательский Центр ИПМ
Kasrtyčnicki Ekanamičny Forum
Irina Tochitskaya

Irina Tochitskaya

Academic Director, PhD in economics

Irina Tochitskaya graduated from Belarusian State Economic University in 1986. She graduated from postgraduate courses of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences in 1989.

She received PhD in 1991 and became a research fellow. She worked as a research fellow for the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 1991–1994, 1996–1998.

Dr. Tochitskaya was a Chief Specialist of the Department of Economic Analysis at the Joint Stock Bank “Belarusbank” (1994–1996).

She worked as a senior research fellow for the Institute of Economics of NAS in 1998–2003.

Since 2003 she has been a Deputy Director of the IPM Research Center.

She has experience in project management at national and international levels, and specifically she is the Director of the project German Economic Team in Belarus, supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology of Germany. As a Team Leader and Senior Expert she has participated in numerous projects supported by the European Commission, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia, EERC.

Research interests: trade policy, innovation and growth, energy sector development, enterprise development, applied econometrics
Foreign languages: English
Specialized software: STATA 

Selected Publications

Tochitskaya, I. (2012). Russia’s Accession to the WTO: Impacts and Challenges, CASE Network E-briefs 01/2012, CASE, Warsaw. 
Tochitskaya I. (2011). Prospects for Trade Between Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine. Belarusian Economic Journal, No. 3. 
Tochitskaya, I., Glambotskaya, A., Shymanovich, G. (2011). Nacionalnaja konkurentosposobnost: osnovnye harakteristiki [National Competitiveness: Main Dimensions], IPM Research Center Working Paper WP/10/11.
Tochitskaya, I., Skriba, A. (2010). Povyshenie konkurentosposobnosti vneshnej torgovli Belarusi [Increasing Belarus Foreign Trade Competitiveness], IPM Research Center Working Paper  WP/10/03. 
Tochitskaya I. (2010). The Customs Union Between Belarus Kazakhstan and Russia: An Overview of Economic Implications for Belarus. Series: Studies and Analyses No. 405, CASE, Warsaw. 
Tochitskaya I. (2009). Public Private Partnership. In “Public-Private Partnership Model in India” edited by N. Janardhan Rao and Amit Singh Sisodiya. The Icfai University Press, pp. 151-165. 
Kruk, D., Tochitskaya, I., Shymanovich G. (2009). Vliyanie global'nogo ekonomicheskogo izisa na ekonomiku Belarusi [The impact of global economic crisis on Economy of Belarus], IPM Research Center, Working Paper WP/09/03.
Chubrik, A., Haiduk, K., Pelipas, I., Shymanovich, G., Tochitskaya, I. (2009). Social Protection and Social Inclusion in Belarus, European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Unit E2. 
Tochitskaya, I., Shymanovich G. (2009). Vneshnyaya torgovlya Belarusi: osnovnye vyzovy i puti ih preodoleniya [Belarus foreign trade: Main challenges and the way of overcoming them], IPM Research Center, Policy Discussion Paper PDP/09/04.
Chubrik, A., Kruk, D., Paczynski, W., Tochitskaya, I., Rakova, E., Shymanovich, G. (2007). Osnovnye tendencii i prognoz razvitiya ekonomik stran EvrAzES na srednesrochnuyu perspektivu (2007-2010 gg.) [Major Trends and Medium-Term Forecast of Development of EvrAzES Economies (2007-2010)], IPM Research Center Working paper WP/07/11.
Rakova, E., Tochitskaya, I., Shymanovich, G. (2007). Rost cen na gaz: Novye vyzovy dla belorusskoj ekonomiki [Gas Prise Hike: New Challenges for Belarus Economy], IPM Research Center Working Paper WP/07/11.
Tochitskaya, I., de Souza L.. (2008). Trade Relations Between an Enlarged EU and the Russian Federation, and its Effects in Belarus. Economic Changes and Restructuring, forthcoming. 
Tochitskaya, I. (2008). Quasi Fiscal Role of the Energy Sector. In The Economic Aspects of the Energy Sector in CIS countries, Economic Papers #327, European Commission Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs Publications, 134-155. 
Tochitskaya, I. (2007). The Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Belarus’ Trade Balance. Problems of Economic Transition, 50, 7, November, 46-65. Tochitskaya, I. (2007). Preisschock: Die folgen der Preiserhohung fur Belarus, Osteuropa, №4. 
Pelipas, I. and Tochitskaya, I. (2006). Monetary Union between Belarus and Russia: Testing for Convergence of Monetary Policy. In de Sousa, L.V. and de Lombaerde P. (eds), The periphery of the Euro: Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in CIS Countries, Ashgate. 
Pavel, F., Tochitskaya, I. (2006). Improving the Energy Efficiency of the Belarusian Economy: An Economic Agenda. In: Tochitskaya, I., Rakova, E. (Eds). Energy in Belarus: The Way Ahead, Minsk, IPM Research Center (also available in Russian).
Tochitskaya, I. (2006). Gas Price Increase: Macroeconomic Impact for Belarus. In: Pelipas, I. (Ed.) Economy of Belarus: Trends and Challenges, Minsk, IPM Research Center (also available in Russian).
Tochitskaya, I., Pelipas, I. (2006). The Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Belarusian Balance. In: Pelipas, I. (Ed.) Economy of Belarus: Trends and Challenges, Minsk, IPM Research Center (also available in Russian).
Tochitskaya, I. (2006). Foreign Trade in Belarus. In: Pelipas, I. (Ed.) Economy of Belarus: Trends and Challenges, Minsk, IPM Research Center (also available in Russian).
Mogilevsky, R., Tochitskaya, I. (2005) Vneshnyaya torgovlya stran SNG, Issledovaniya i analiz №309, CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research. 
Pavel, F., Tochitskaya, I. (2005). The Implication of Belarus WTO Accession: General Equilibrium Modeling. Belarusian Economic Journal, No. 3. 
Pavel, F., Tochitskaya, I. (2005). The Economic Impact of Belarus Accession to the WTO: A Quantitative Assessment. In: Tochitskaya, I. (Ed). Belarus WTO Accession: Problems and Perspectives, Minsk, IPM Research Center (also available in Russian).
Tochitskaya, I. (2005). Belarus Accession to the WTO: The Banking Services Dimension. In: Tochitskaya, I. (Ed). Belarus WTO Accession: Problems and Perspectives, Minsk, IPM Research Center (also available in Russian).
Tochitskaya, I., Aksen, E. (2004). Economic Effects of Belarus Participation in the CIS Countries Customs Union. EERC, Working paper series, No. 04/07. 
Pavel, F., Tochitskaya, I. (2004). Belarus and Kyoto Protocol: Problems and Perspectives. Belarusian Economic Journal, No. 2. 
Tochitskaya, I.. (2003) Indeksy regionalnoy konkurentosposobnosti. Belorusskiy ekonomicheskiy jurnal, №3. 
Tochitskaya, I. (2003) Regionalnaya ekonomicheskaya integraciya i obmen sovremennymi tehnologiyami: opyt Belarusi, EKOVEST, Issue 3, №2. 
Tochitskaya, I., Aksen, E. (2002). Joining the Customs Union with CIS countries: the Case of Belarus, in An Enterprise Odyssey: Economics and Business in the New Millennium, University of Zagreb, June 27-29. 
Mogilevsky, R., Tochitskaya, I. (2001). Vneshnyaya torgovlya Kyrgyzstana: sostoyanie i perspektivy, Issledovaniya i analiz  №233, CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research. 
Tochitskaya, I. (2000). Foreign Trade Policy-making in Belarus: Current Practice and Problems, The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization (USA) Vol.8, No.2.
Tochitskaya, I. (2000). Regionalnaya ekonomicheskaya integraciya: perspektivy dlya Belarusi, Belorussky ekonomichesky jurnal, №4. 

Policy Papers

PP/02/11 How to Increase Sophistication of Belarus’ Export Basket (Russian)

PP/05/09 Policy Measures to Attract FDI: An Overview of International Experience and Recommendations for Belarus (Russian)

PP/07/08 Impact of FDI on Trade and Technology Transfer in Belarus: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications (Russian)

PP/08/07 Quasi-Fiscal Activity in the Energy Sector in Belarus (Russian)

PP/01/07 Public Private Partnership (Russian)

PP/10/06 The Macroeconomic Impact of Gas Price Increase in Belarus: Quantitative Assessement (Russian)

PP/01/06 Distribution Channels in Export Promotion: Can the State Help? (Russian)

PP/11/05 Improving Energy Efficiency of the Belarusian Economy: an Economic Agenda (Russian)

PP/14/04 The Economic Impact of Belarus’ Accession to the WTO: A Quantitative Assessment (Russian)

PP/03/04 Belarus as a Gas Transit Country (Russian)

PP/01/04 Should Branches of Foreign Banks Be Allowed to Operate in Belarus? (Russian)

PP/06/03 Belarus and the Kyoto Protocol: Opportunities and Challenges (Russian)

PP/01/03 Belarus’ Accession to the WTO: The Banking Services Dimension  (Russian)