Business in Belarus 2007: Status, Trends, Perspectives
Analytical report. Editors: Chubrik, A., Pelipas, I., Rakova, E.,
Authors: Chubrik, A., Fadeev, V., Glambotskaya, A., Kozarzewski, P., Rakova, E., Shymanovich, G.
This report analyzes the macroeconomic and institutional environment for functioning of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Belarus today and the existing infrastructure for their operation. Also, the results of two empirical studies devoted to the problems and performance of Belarusian SMEs are presented. It reveals numerous barriers to a much needed rapid growth of SMEs in Belarus. Nevertheless, some positive changes are also denoted. Still, there are many inspections and heavy penalties, complicated and costly procedures of permit issuance, deficient tax legislation and price regulation.
© IPM Research Center, 2007